French ciné-club : Les algues vertes / Green Tide
Date: 20 May 2025, 6:00pm - 8:00pm GMT UK
Join us at the Alliance Française de Glasgow for a screening of the French film Les algues vertes / Green Tide, directed by Pierre Jolivet.
'Face au silence soigneusement gardé autour des algues vertes sur les côtes bretonnes, la journaliste Inès Léraud décide d'enquêter. En
rencontrant scientifiques, agriculteurs et politiques, elle met le doigt dans l'engrenage impitoyable de l'industrie agroalimentaire et de
ses intérêts qui n'ont que faire de l'humain et de l'environnement.'
'Following the recent deaths of locals on Breton beaches, a reporter comes to investigate the mystery surrounding algae that may be a cause of these tragic events. As evidence is being covered up and threats to her research mount up, she realizes that some politicians with close ties to prominent local corporations are working to stop her from uncovering the shocking truth.'
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