Test de Connaissance du Français
Certify your language ability for French and Canadian immigration and citizenship, or for profressional and academic purposes.      

What is the TCF?

The TCF is a language exam designed to determine and certify your level of French competence. While the DELF and DALF offer different exams to prove a specific level of ability, the TCF evaluates your level through one exam. TCF exam results remain valid for two years. 

There are three types of TCF Exams: the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF), the TCF Intégration, Résidence et Nationalité (IRN), and the TCF Canada. 

Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF)
The TCF assesses a person’s level of French language for general purposes and is intended for people who are not native French speakers and who, for professional, personal or academic reasons, wish to have their competency in French assessed and certified.

TCF Intégration, Résidence et Nationalité (IRN)
The TCF IRN is used to demonstrate French proficiency for French citizenship and permanent residency applications. This test is composed of four compulsory sections: compréhension orale (15mins), compréhension écrite (20mins), expression écrite (30 mins), and expression orale (10mins).

TCF Canada
The TCF Canada is recognised as official proof of language proficiency by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as well as the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion du Québec for permanent residency applications and Canadian citizenship applications. The exam is composed of the following four tests: compréhension écrite (60mins), compréhension orale (35 mins), expression orale (12mins), & expression écrite (60mins).

Please note that le Ministère Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada requires that candidates sit all the tests on the same day if they wish to apply for ’une demande d’immigration’.

For more information on any of the TCF exams, please contact

Book an Exam

Exam Dates Description Deadline Start/Finish Bookings
TCF Tout Public - November Session

Wed 27th November 2024

Please note that The Alliance Française de Glasgow only runs paper version of the TCF. 

Wed 27th November 2024

General exam instructions: 15 min
Listening comprehension: 25 min
Reading comprehension: 60 min
Writing: 60 min (Optional)

Exam: 12 min (Optional)

The 10:30 starting time displayed corresponds to the earliest time the oral exam might start. Your definitive time will be displayed on the Statement of Entry you will receive before the exam day. 

Please read our Terms and Conditions before registering

Oct 27, 2024 Written:
1:45pm – 3:25pm
1:45 - 4:30pm with writing

Individual times TBC by exam centre in due course
Book Now
TCF Canada - November Session

Thurs 28th November

Please note that The Alliance Française de Glasgow only runs paper version of the TCF. 

Thurs 28th November

General exam instructions: 15 min
Listening comprehension: 35 min
Reading comprehension: 60 min
Writing: 60 min

Exam: 12 min

The 10:30 starting time displayed corresponds to the earliest time the oral exam might start. Your definitive time will be displayed on the Statement of Entry you will receive before the exam day. 

Please read our Terms and Conditions before registering

Oct 27, 2024 Written:
1:45pm – 4:40pm

Individual times TBC by exam centre in due course
Book Now
TCF Intégration, Résidence & Nationalité - November Session

Fri 29th November 2024

Please note that The Alliance Française de Glasgow only runs paper version of the TCF. 

Fri 29th November 2024

General exam instructions: 15 min
Listening comprehension: 15 min
Reading comprehension: 20 min
Writing: 30 min

Exam: 10 min

The 10:30 starting time displayed corresponds to the earliest time the oral exam might start. Your definitive time will be displayed on the Statement of Entry you will receive before the exam day. 

Please read our Terms and Conditions before registering

Oct 27, 2024 Written:
1:45pm – 3:05pm

Individual times TBC by exam centre in due course

Individual times TBC by exam centre in due course
Book Now

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