Our Library

Located on the lower ground floor, the Alliance Française Glasgow‘s library offers a variety of written and audiovisual material suitable for all ages. Whether you're just taking your first French class or you're a fluent speaker, our library has something for everyone. 

Browse our collection

Discover the breadth of our multimedia catalogue with resources for all ages and all levels of French. 

Online Catalogue Online Catalogue

Coup de cœur du lecteur ! 

''Francine Mallet a écrit une biographie concise et en profondeur de Georges Sand. Elle a créé un tableau vivant et varié d'une femme remarquable aux talents multiples. Auteure de plus de 100 romans, elle était aussi une écrivaine engagée, chantre de la condition des femmes, de la condition des paysans et d'ouvriers. Grande amie de la nature, elle parcourait son bourg natal et créa le roman rustique. Femme libre par dessus tout. " - Sandrine S.

More from our Partners

What is Culturethèque?

Culturethèque is an online French e-library, offering 24/7 access via computer, tablet, or smartphone. It provides a variety of resources, including French newspapers, magazines, audiobooks, podcasts and over 5,000 e-books on various topics.

The library features sections for reading, listening, viewing, learning, and a dedicated area for young children with popular characters and magazines.

How Does It Work?

1) Become an Alliance Française de Glasgow member.

2) Go to www.culturetheque.com and create your account. Then choose Alliance Francaise de Glasgow as your 'établissement'.

3) You have a free trial for 30 days. In the meantime, send us an email that you signed up. When we get this message, we will validate your registration for one year.

4) Go to www.culturetheque.com and log in to your account each time you want to have access to the resources.

Culturethèque Culturethèque

What is Europresse ?

Enjoy thousands of French and International newspapers from home and for free!

If you are a member of Alliance Française Glasgow, or if you become one, you can get free access to thousands of French and international newspapers and magazines with the Europresse platform. This includes titles like Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro, Marie France, Télérama, Diapason, Les Echos, L’équipe, and many others.

How Does It Work?

Just log in to your Alliance Francaise Glasgow account using your computer, tablet, or smartphone and click on Europresse.

Europresse Europresse


Get unlimited free access to TV5MONDE Plus

TV5MONDE has launched TV5MONDEplus, a free VOD platform for exclusively French/Francophone programmes, available online at tv5mondeplus.com and on your mobile devices with the app for Android here and iPhone here.

Get free access to a wide selection of series, films, documentaries streamed in French with subtitles available in 5 different languages.

An ideal tool to learn French and discover more about French/Francophone culture!

TV5Monde TV5Monde


Library Information

If you are a current student at the Alliance Française Glasgow, you can use our library for no additional fee

Our library is open to all for a small annual fee: £25.

Once you have paid for your membership, there is no extra charge to borrow any of our items, and you can get access to our online services Culturethèque, Europresse, and TV5Monde, and our cultural events as a member of the Alliance Française Glasgow.

You may borrow up to 10 items for 3 weeks, which are renewable on your student portal.

If you have any enquiry regarding the library, please contact Elise at biblio@afglasgow.org.uk 

Our Past events Our Past events

Opening Hours

Monday 12:30pm-7.30pm
Tuesday  9:45am-7.30pm
Wednesday 9:45am-6.15pm
Thursday  9:45am-7.30pm
Friday 9:45am-2pm
Saturday 9.30am-1.15pm
Sunday Closed

The library will exceptionally be open for self-service on Saturday, 8th March.

*Self Service from 2pm to 2.30pm and from 6.15pm to 7.30pm. (except Wednesdays : 6.15pm closing time)

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