Mystery loan boxes

Mystery Loan Boxes

Are you still wondering what to borrow from our library ? Let us surprise you with our mystery loan boxes!

Register at the library if you are not already a member and choose one or more of our themed mystery boxes to discover what items we have selected for you!

Here are the themes of the boxes you can borrow:

  • Amitié
  • Noël
  • Paillette
  • Miam!
  • Voyage
  • Crime parfait
  • Coup de foudre
  • Pour vous faire sourire
  • Il était une fois…
  • Paris… mais pas que!

You can also browse our library's online catalogue and borrow the items of your choice, via our new click & collect service!

Click here to access the online catalogue.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with by email ( or by phone on 0141 3314 082.

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