Credit photo: MissingFILMs
On the occasion of the sixth edition of Fokus-Films from Germany, we invite you to discover the Franco-German documentary Chichinette directed by Nicol Alice Hens.
Director: Nicola Alice Hens
Duration: 86 mins.
Marthe Cohn’s story could be straight out of Hollywood: a petite, ‘Aryan’- looking, Jewish woman who spied for France in Nazi Germany, delivering vital information about troop movements. Honored several times, she never spoke of her experiences. Now, at the age of 96, having kept her silence for sixty years, she tours the world as a “superstar" among WWII witnesses. A lively and entertaining public speaker, back then she risked life and limb, spending several years on the run until she witnessed the liberation of Paris, setting the final seal on her fight against the Nazis. Her fiancé and her sister were not so fortunate. Marthe Cohn’s message is the essence of her life: “It is always possible to fight injustice, even under the worst circumstances.
In German/French with English subtitles.
Monday 7th December: The film will be available to watch online for 24 hours for free.
Wednesday 9th December, 7pm: Zoom Q&A hosted by Dora Osborne from the St. Andrews University and the Byre Theatre.
To book your ticket(s), please click here.
Now in its sixth year, Fokus-Films from Germany will take place from 3rd to 17th December 2020. It will be an all-digital, online festival aiming to present an exciting, eclectic snapshot of the contemporary film scene in Germany.
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